An Indian Woman's Noisy Ranting

November 19, 2010

CAR fight

Filed under: Mishmash — A Noisy Indian Woman @ 11:23 pm
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Before 3 years I was an L board struggling to drive. Today- thanks to my home which is in the outskirts of the city- I had to drive 30-40 per day in heavy traffic which substantially improved my driving skills. Having had to spend atleast 2 hours on road every day, I slowly sensed the silent conversation going on between vehicle and people on road. It might be just my imagination or feeling, but it keeps me entertained all through my long driving hours! There’re emotions involved – mocking, friendliness, anger, sadness, joy… a little bit of everything.And below, is the list of things I/my car feel(s) almost every day!

-Frustrated when FAST TRACK call taxis drive either too slow [without making for you as well] or too rash

-Mockery when the vehicle you overtook a long time back stands next to you when you get stuck in a signal [especially when you happen to be the last car/vehicle the traffic police stops at the signal]

-Anger when bigger cars try to overtake you from left and get aggressively close to intimidate you into making way[and…automatically makes me think that they feel its easy to sidetrack a woman driver- in truth they may not have even looked inside the car to see who’s driving, but who cares? that’s the exact thought I get in my head]

-Anger when a vehicle right behind you/ in front of youuses high beam even in well-lit roads [don’t they know the side mirrors and rear view mirrors reflect these lights and that they can safely turn off these high beams when their vehicle stands in a traffic jam??!]

-Irritation when a vehicle honks from behind during red signal and when the scowls at you for not violating the signal

-Satisfaction & pride when you don’t budge for such honks and stand in the signal, making other cars & vehicles which otheriwse might have skipped the signal, to stop as well.

-Mischievous happiness when a vehicle which had tried to overtake you for a long time, crosses you when you deliberately slowed down the vehicle- well, you travel by that road everyday and know that there’s a big pit on the right-hee hee! and he/she overtook you without even realising that’s why you slowed down! 😀

-Sad glances at eachother when all vehicles get trapped in traffic jam and your foot craves for a break [how long more should I brake-clutch-accelerate??!]

-Fight when racing for the same parking lot

-Happy when you make way for ambulance or other vehicles which have been trying to overtake without irritating honks

-Wonder when you see bikes & cars trying to tail behind an ambulance!!! – is it becuase they could get through the traffic easily? They should be called the AMBULANCE CHASERS

-Joy when you all get to drive in harmony on a free road and in good weather!

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