An Indian Woman's Noisy Ranting

April 8, 2010

Tara Books- People behind this name

Filed under: Mishmash — A Noisy Indian Woman @ 4:50 pm
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I am one such a silly person who writes but forgets to put it up on a blog. This is one such an article I wrote in June,2009 when I joined Tara Books. 🙂 It has been a year since and I have added my view as on date as well.

It has been two months exactly since I nudged my way into the small team of Tara Books. I’m a talkative brat who writes just like she talks… I work 3 days a week at Tara and am in charge of book advocacy- keeping in direct contact with our customers.

I thought it’d be good to write about my colleagues- the way I see them as of today!


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